+61 418 464 457

Horizontal Swivel Mount

Horizontal Swivel Mount

Assists in preventing hi tensile roof bolt tails from snapping


  • Allows you to pull from a position of maximum strength with confidence
  • SWL 3250 Kg
  • Assists in the prevention of snapping high tensile roof bolt tails.
  • Install over existing roof or rib bolts

Fact Sheet

Safe Work Procedure

Product Identification

Part No: 0109 HSM

Installation. See Safe Work Procedure for more information.

  1. The Recessed hole fits over existing roof bolt deep series nut 
  2. An M24 Keeper nut is supplied with every Horizontal Swivel Mount (HSM) and must be fully engaged with thread protruding through.
  3. WLL 3.2 ton